Digestive Diseases Clinic

In our digestive pathology consultation clinic, we carry out a thorough evaluation of digestive symptoms and problems by a doctor specialized in gastroenterology and hepatology.

1. Medical history: Detailed information is collected about the patient's digestive symptoms, such as abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, rectal bleeding, among others. We will investigate medical history, family history of digestive diseases, diet, lifestyle, and any other relevant factors.

2. Physical examination: The doctor performs a complete physical examination, focusing on the abdomen and other areas related to the digestive system. He may palpate the abdomen to look for tenderness, swelling, or other abnormalities.

3. Diagnostic tests: Depending on the symptoms and suspected disease, the doctor may order a variety of diagnostic tests, which may include blood tests, stool analysis, imaging tests such as ultrasounds, computed tomography (CT) scans or MRIs. (MRI), endoscopies (such as gastroscopy or colonoscopy) and other specialized tests.

4. Diagnosis and treatment plan: Once all the information is gathered and the necessary tests have been completed, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and develops an individualized treatment plan to address the patient's digestive problems. This may include diet and lifestyle changes, medications, endoscopic or surgical procedures, rehabilitation therapy, among others.

5. Follow-up: The doctor can schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the response to treatment, make adjustments if necessary, and provide ongoing support to the patient.

It is important to keep in mind that the process may vary depending on the specific needs and circumstances of each patient. It is always advisable to consult a doctor specialized in gastroenterology or digestive diseases to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Most prevalent pathologies in the Digestive consultation:

In a Gastroenterology and Hepatology consultation, a variety of digestive pathologies can be found, some of which are more prevalent than others. Here are some of the most common pathologies that can be evaluated and treated in this type of consultation:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD): Condition in which acidic stomach contents are regurgitated into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as heartburn, acid regurgitation, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing.
  2. Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach lining, which may be caused by bacterial infections (Helicobacter pylori), overuse of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or other causes. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite may occur.
  3. Peptic ulcer: Injury to the lining of the stomach or duodenum, usually caused by Helicobacter pylori infection or the use of NSAIDs. Abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal bleeding may occur.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A functional gastrointestinal disorder that causes abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation, or both), and other symptoms such as bloating and flatulence.
  5. Bile reflux disease: Backflow of bile into the stomach, which can cause symptoms similar to GERD, such as heartburn and acid regurgitation. Common in patients undergoing gallbladder surgery
  6. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, chronic relapsing disorders that cause inflammation and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. They can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. Sometimes they are associated with extradigestive manifestations such as arthritis, ocular, skin, or vascular pathology.
  7. Celiac disease: An autoimmune disorder in which ingesting gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestine, making it difficult to absorb nutrients. It may cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating, as well as other non-gastrointestinal symptoms.
  8. Gastrointestinal cancer: Includes cancer of the esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum and other organs of the digestive tract. It can cause a variety of symptoms, which may include changes in bowel habits, gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.
  9. Acute or chronic pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreatic gland that can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and steatorrhea, malnutrition and diabetes, and may require therapeutic endoscopies (C.P.R.E. and ultrasound endoscopy) or surgical treatment.
In the Digestive practice, specialists also deal with a variety of liver and biliary disorders (hepatology). Some of the most prevalent pathologies found in this type of consultation include:
  1. Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver that can be caused by viruses (viral hepatitis), excessive alcohol consumption (alcoholic hepatitis), autoimmune diseases (autoimmune hepatitis), or other causes.
  2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH): Fat buildup in the liver that is not caused by excessive alcohol consumption. NASH is closely related to obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  3. Liver cirrhosis: Chronic liver disease characterized by the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) that can be caused by various chronic liver conditions, such as chronic viral hepatitis, chronic alcoholism, NASH, or other diseases.
  4. Drug hepatotoxicity: Liver damage caused by the use of certain medications, herbs, or supplements that can be toxic to the liver.
  5. Gallstones: Stone formation in the gallbladder or bile ducts that can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms.
  6. Chronic viral hepatitis: Chronic liver infection caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV), which can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer if not treated properly.
  7. Autoimmune liver disease: An autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks liver cells, which can cause inflammation, fibrosis, and liver damage.
  8. Liver cancer: Malignant tumors originating in the liver, with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) being the most common type, usually associated with previous liver cirrhosis or other chronic liver diseases.

These are just some of the most prevalent pathologies found in a hepatology consultation. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms related to the liver or gallbladder, such as abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes), unexplained fatigue, changes in bowel habits, or other concerning symptoms. A hepatology specialist can perform a complete evaluation and recommend the appropriate treatment based on your individual needs.

Dr. Francisco Flores


  • Graduado en fisioterapia. UEM.
  • Máster especialista en fisioterapia respiratoria. UNIVERSITAT
  • MASTER especialista en fisioterapia conservadora e invasiva del síndrome de dolor miofascial y de la fibromialgia. UAH.
  • ESPIROMETRISTA por la ERS-SEPAR para la realización e interpretación de ESPIROMETRÍAS.
  • MASTER Especialista en tratamientos electrólisis percutánea intratisular EPI.
  • Especialista en utilización y aplicación del sistema INDIBA ACTIV.
  • MAASTER Especialista en análisis Biomecánico,Intervención y Tratamiento “Check yourMOtion”.
  • CLASIFICADOR NACIONAL de deportistas con parálisis cerebral.
  • CLASIFICADOR NACIONAL de atletismo para personas con discapacidad física.
  • PROYECTO de INVESTIGACIÓN: “La fisioterapia respiratoria como tratamiento de la HRVA en deportistas de alto rendimiento”

Dr. Javier Heras Aznar


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 1992.
  • Specialist via MIR in Family Medicine at Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal 1994-1996.
  • Specialist via MIR in OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY at Hospital Universitario Santa Cristina in Madrid 1997-2001.
  • Specialized in the last 27 years in Gynecological Oncology and Breast Pathology, both malignant and benign, with experience in Oncoplastic Surgery.
  • Specialization Course in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery 2015.
  • Coordinator of the Breast Unit and the Breast Tumors and Gynecology Oncology Committee in Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía.
  • Main Author of the Breast Unit Accreditation Project (Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía) 2019-2020.

Dr. Beatriz García-Conde


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery.
  • MIR specialisation in Digestive System Medicine, Puerta de Hierro University Hospital in Majadahonda. Currently working at the 12 de Octubre University Hospital.
  • Specialist in capsule endoscopy and in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy: chromoendoscopy, colon cancer screening, digestive dilatations, PEG placement, endoluminal vacuum therapy (fistulas/leaks), polypectomy/mucosectomy.
  • She also a general digestive consultant with a Master’s Degree in Neurogastroenterology.

Dr. Micaela Riat Castro Zocchi


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery.
  • MIR specialisation in Digestive System Medicine, Princesa Hospital (Madrid).
  • Clinical consultation. Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy: Chromoendoscopy, Colon Cancer Screening, Placement of digestive prosthesis (oesophagus, colon), Digestive dilatations, PEG Placement, Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy (fistulas/leaks), Polypectomy/mucosectomy. Experience in Bariatric Endoscopy: Intragastric balloon.

Dr. Diana Fresneda Cuesta


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery.
  • MIR specialisation in Digestive System Medicine, Jiménez Díaz Foundation. (Madrid)
  • Clinical consultation. Specialist in Endoscopic Capsule and in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy: Chromoendoscopy, Colon Cancer Screening, Ligation of Oesophagus Varices, Placement of digestive prosthesis (oesophagus, colon), Digestive dilatations, PEG Placement, Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy (fistulas/leaks), Polypectomy/mucosectomy. Experience in bariatric endoscopy: intragastric balloon, POSE method and Endo-sleeve with POSE system, etc.

Dr. Teresa Valdés Lacasa


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery
  • MIR specialisation in Digestive System Medicine, 12 de Octubre University Hospital (Madrid). Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship (ERCP and digestive prostheses) at Ninewells Hospital (United Kingdom). 2020-2021.
  • Clinical consultation and abdominal ultrasound.
  • Specialist in pancreatico-biliary conditions and therapeutic endoscopy: ERCP, placement of digestive prostheses (oesophagus, duodenum, colon, biliary), digestive dilatations, placement of PEGs, endoluminal vacuum therapy (fistulas/leaks), polypectomy/mucosectomy.

Dr. Andrés J. del Pozo García, MD. PhD.


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery.
  • Dual specialised training (MIR) at the Princesa University Hospital (Madrid).
  • Specialist in Digestive System Medicine and Specialised in Family and Community Medicine
  • PhD in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Cum Laude. 2020.
  • Member of S.E.P.D, S.E.E.D., A.E.G, E.S.G.E, AESPANC, Board Member of GETTEMO; Consultant of Apollo Endosurgery in 2021.

Dr. José María Abadal Villayandre


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from Navarra University.
  • MIR specialisation in Radiology, Radiodiagnosis at Gregorio Marañón University Hospital.
  • PhD in Radiodiagnosis from the Complutense University of Madrid. Cum Laude Doctoral Thesis.
  • Specialist in Vascular Interventional Radiology, accreditation from the Spanish Society of Interventional Radiology.
  • European Board Interventional Radiology (EBIR) Health Sciences) at Alfonso X el Sabio University. 2010-2014.
  • Medical Director of the “Centro de Radiología y Diagnóstico por Imagen”.
  • Scientific and research activity with numerous publications and research studies.
  • Director and professor of Interventional Vascular Radiology at the I-XI Endo-school. Teaching activity.
  • Member of SERAM (Spanish Society of Medical Radiology), CIRSE (Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Society Europe), and Secretary of SERVEI (Spanish Society of Interventional Vascular Radiology).

Belén Pérez Peiro. Psychologist


  • Graduate in Psychology
  • Clinical psychologist, Gregorio Marañón University General Hospital, Psycho-oncology, Gynaecological Psychology, Neuropsychology, Detoxification and Out-patient Hospital, inflammatory bowel disease and teenagers.
  • Clinical activity at the Niño Jesús Children’s University Hospital, Psychiatric and Eating Disorder Units.
  • Expert qualification in Psychosomatic Medicine and Health Psychology.
  • Expert qualification in Psychopathology and Psychiatry from the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychology.
  • Specialist qualification in Psychotherapy and projective techniques, both of which are recognised by the Madrid Official Association of Psychologists.

Dr. Ana María Moreno


  • Graduate in Medicine and Surgery. 1986– 1992.
  • Extraordinary Graduation Award. 1992.
  • MIR specialisation in Internal Medicine. Number 283.
  • Master’s Degree in Palliative Care from Valladolid University. 2011.
  • University Master’s Degree in Advanced Chronic Nursing and palliative care from Antonio de Nebrija University. 2017.
  • PhD Courses 1993.
  • Extensive professional career in many renowned hospitals.
  • Head of Internal Medicine Services at Viamed Santa Elena (Madrid). September 2021 – Present.
  • Teaching and research work.
  • Numerous publications and papers. Participation in courses and seminars.